Top Courses
Top Courses of 2023:
1. The Rules Have Changed
2. Painless Performance Conversations
3. Lead Now!
4. Harassment Prevention Made Simple
5. New Supervisor Fundamentals
6. Getting Real About Workplace Violence
7. 8 Keys to a Respectful Workplace
8. Unconscious Bias Explained
9. Microsoft Teams Essentials
10. Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse
What’s Trending:
1. Lead with Hospitality
2. Unconscious Bias Practical Tips
3. Emergency Action Plan
4. Legal Interviewing- Asking the Right Questions
5. Scaling Culture
6. Conflict Resolution
7. Dealing with Difficult People and Situations Mastercourse
8. The Compassionate Business
9. 3 Tips for Ergonimic Prositioning
10. Microsoft Teams Meetings (2023) Brain Bites
Top Nanolearning Vidoes:
1. How to Survive an Active Shooter Incident
2. Scaling Culture: Building Relationships
3. Civil Conversations
4. Motivational Minutes
5. Deliver Memorable Hospitality
6. Effective Presentation Skills
7. Breakthrough Moments
8. Writing with William
9. How to Focus When Listening
10. Eating & Living Well
Author Spotlight
Jim Sporleder
James “Jim” Sporleder has more than 30 years of experience in the security industry and has a unique background in captivity survival. He has worked in the private sector for more than 18 years, helping companies and organizations prepare for and respond to issues such as workplace violence, intimate partner violence, and extreme violence events, such as active shooter and hostage-barricade situations.
Jim’s latest work and courses address specific techniques that managers and frontline employees can use to de-escalate tense situations where other team members or customers are angry or frustrated with various situations. Two of Jim’s courses published by Prositions hit our Top’s lists, “Getting Real About Workplace Violence" and "Dealing with Difficult People and Situations: Principles of De-escalation."
New Content
New Content Coming in 2024
1. Presence, Distilled: How to Improve Your Professional Image
2. D.E.I.B. for Supervisors
3. Microaggressions and Microinequities: What to Do?
4. Top 10 Questions Leaders Should Ask Team Members
5. Top 10 Questions Team Members Should Ask Their Supervisors
6. Motivating with Mona
7. Managing Your Time with Ben Franklin
9. Microsoft Teams
10. Mastering Excel 365
11. Mastering PowerPoint 365
Hottest Topic Areas for 2024:
1. Artificial Intelligence – Deeper Dive into the Tools to Use in HR and Training
2. How to Work with Difficult People
3. Basic Supervision Skills
4. Virtual Reality in Training
5. NanoLearning
6. Latest Apps like Microsoft, Google, Slack, etc.
7. Women in Leadership
8. The New DEIB – What’s Next